LEGION Model Builder Help

Typing an advanced filter directly

To enter the filter setting directly, position your cursor in the filter window and type the conditions using legitimate terms from the table here. There are certain conventions you should follow:

  • Each discrete statement should be contained within square brackets
  • If you are nesting several statements, remember to open and close curved brackets in the correct sequence
  • Text strings (like “On Escalator”) need to be contained in quotation marks
  • Enter a space between keywords, signs and values
  • Use relevant and logical signs, for example it makes no sense to use a less-than sign when selecting a Target

The ‘Advanced Filter’ dialog automatically checks the syntax of your statements as you enter them and highlights the place of any errors.

Tip: In the case of Gates, ensure that you enter the correct Gate Side as a Target ('Switch' gates can have two sides: IN and OUT). A correctly formatted advanced filter for a Gate with two sides would look like the following.